Reiki and Reflexology Massage with Markella at Midlothian
This amazing $110-value massage is available for $99 through October 31. You don’t want to miss it!
The 90-minute massage is broken into two core sections: Reiki and a mix of Reflexology and Acupressure.
The body work will begin with a 30 or 40-minute Reiki massage focusing on areas identified by the client as needing attention. Reiki facilitates healing on all levels. It balances the physical and energy body. This hands-on healing is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the client in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.
The remaining 50 or 60 minutes of the massage will be a mix of reflexology and acupressure. This phase will assist in detoxifying the body from the areas released during the Reiki portion of the massage. Coupled with aromatherapy selected by the client.
This massage leaves you feeling grounded, present, and balanced on all levels.